The Aaron & Sarah Friedman Miniature Gallery

When Aaron Friedman sold his business in the late 1970s, he began looking for “something to do” in his spare time. His daughter-in-law suggested that he “build a dollhouse” for his oldest granddaughter. That project took on a life of its own that occupied a significant portion of the last 20 years of Aaron’s life.
Ultimately, Aaron built the eight magnificent miniature houses that are now located at the History Museum of Mobile – one for each of his granddaughters and one for his wife, Sarah. Each house is built to exacting one-inch-to-one-foot scale and took a year or more to plan and build. For two of the houses, Friedman copied actual houses in Mobile (the “Tacon-Tissington-Barfield” and “McGowin-Creary” houses on Government Street).
Architectural details are impressive in their detail. Each house has siding made of real wood, real fired bricks, or hand-cast stone tiles; a roof made asphalt or clay tile shingles or metal panels, doors and windows that open and close, and a working electrical system for the tiny lamps and chandeliers, all of which light up.